For writers only...isnt it frustrating when...
When a change is made to your published article and it is wrong! It happened to one of my articles; the proof reader substituited a word in a sentence which not only proceeded to change the meaning of what I was trying to say but it was grammatically incorrect!
When the image/illustration accompanying your article does not match your intentions. I wrote an article on Salat (prayer) and the image the publishing magazine gave it was of a girl wearing a barely there head scarf and lots of makeup and jewelery while making prayer. It definitely had an adverse effect on my serious themed article.
When they miss to include your byline and then it appears in a small box in the contents section in the next issue, which could be after a week, fortnight or a month. Seriously, unless it was a MINDBLOWING article, who would remember it -besides yourself, ofcourse?! Yes, yes, it happened to me.
When you come up with a great idea for an article focused at a particular publication and another writer beats you to it. This mostly happens in pulications targeted to a niche or small audience. When I get a smashing idea, I get done with it the very night so no its not happened to me yet.
And the worst of all, when you see another persons name credited to your article! Believe it or not, it happened to me. A publication republished my article without asking and gave the byline of a female with my first name but different last name! It was downright maddening and nothing can replace the anger and frustration which follows.
Editors and Proofreaders, please take note!
Pats D:
ReplyDeleteThanks Arsh :-)